Happy Canada Day

Seems patriotic enough to post today!
The Canadian premier mixed DB team at last year´s world championship in Prague. We needed to submit a photo for the race program in Hong Kong, so I was looking through and came up with this one. Seems patriotic enough to post today!

It feels a little strange to be working on Canada Day, but we will have a celebratory picnic tomorrow after work.   We hope the weather is warm and sunny for all of you ‘back home’ – have an extra slice of strawberry maple leaf cake for us.


  1. I love that you put the pics in full-size – so I can find you in ones like this. 😉

    It’s 12 deg and raining in Vancouver (and at my house) this morning. Boo. Doesn’t feel much like summer yet – we are getting the cloudy mornings with sun showing up around 2, which is great if your idea of a summer day is 21 C with a sweatshirt on. I like my summers a little warmer than that.

    Still, strawberry maple cake sounds pretty great. Maybe I’ll make maple mousse today to celebrate – it is also Ed’s birthday. He may be American, but he was born on a good day. Enjoy your picnic tomorrow!

  2. I was on Pender Island at a wedding. I sang OCanada and wore a flag after the ceremony was done.

    The weather was variable in the morning and it turned into a stunner in the afternoon.

    I love you.

    ps. happy birthday to Ed!! 🙂

  3. ps. i tried to post about your pet fishies, but i guess it is too late.

    They are cute fish and jordan is so rad for knowing that you really miss having a pet but can’t really commit to caring for them at this time with all your travel. double awwwwww!

    i loved the pet fish blog.

    good one. 🙂

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