Hunters and Traders

Chantarelle bounty that was combined with leeks and potato water to make a lovely soup

Mushroom hunting has been really fun, but so far has not yielded any chantarelle mushrooms, the delicate golden trumpets of the pine forest. Normally there are some this time of year and we have visited spots where our local friends know them to grow… but no luck so far. Where hunting falls short, trading begins.

Chantarelles are available in most large grocery stores, but they are pricy and never quite as nice and fresh as from street vendors. So, on the weekend we went out to an open air market to buy some. Stockholm chantarelles aren’t quite as cheap as in Gavle (big city markup). Still, the half-kilo (a little over a pound) shown in the photo above cost around CDN$15. Well worth it, and I think we’ll get some more before the season is over!