This post is mostly pictures, especially for our Dads who we thought would appreciate all the old/weird/foreign cars.

Today is Saturday, and while I waited for the bus to Ikea I saw a parade of 50-60 vintage cars (at least 3 were Edsels). I don`t know if that is speical for today or if that is every sunny Saturday in Gavle. I didn`t have my camera, but next Saturday we have plans to go to the Farmer`s market at about the same time in the same neighbourhood, so I`ll bring my camera.
awwwww! dad’s do love tail lights so bad. what a cute dad section. well done guys! xo
not just the dad’s – i like it, too. 😉 i especially like the one with Catherine for perspective (you look great: that’s a very cute top you’re wearing in that shot, and you have always been very stylish and euro with the scarves)
That motorcycle is a vintage JAWA 250. I’m not sure of the year but it’s old (1960s I guess). Good to see you are taking the time to see the sites. Nice apt. Lots of room for visitors???? Timothy
Lots of room for visitors, you are welcome anytime you can make it over – we would love to have you!! 😀