Now that the ‘big ski’ is behind me, I am keen to try something new: the Gavle Half Marathon. I have run the distance before (2 x Burnaby lake) as part of dryland training back in 2003. However, that was when I was very fit and training a lot – I think I also did a paddling workout that same day. I don’t expect to be as fast this time, or to add in any additional exercise that day except for the bike ride to the start line.
I thought it would be fun to train with a group and gather a few people interested in the event, so I pitched the idea to the gang on the weekend in Dalarna. I was surprised and impressed that everyone said they were ‘in’, either for the half or the quarter! The big day is May 8. I hate running in slush and snow, so I will be running indoors and skiing outdoors until it melts. Happily I will be in Canada the first weeks of April, which will probably coincide with the messiest time here. I can train along the seawall in Vancouver, and then (hopefully) come back to green grass and Vitsoppor flowers along the trails.