Road Trip

Starting on the prairies, view of the road… complete with crop dusting biplane over the highway

We left Saskatoon on a Friday with the intention of driving all the way to niece Raynn-Beau’s farm in Grand Forks. Long daylight, good weather, low COVID-19 traffic, and only 3(!) single-lane mountain construction sites helped us to actually do it. Going the speed limit with limited breaks this got us there in less than 15 hours. The photo quality suffered through the buggy windshield, but did support the goal of sooner arrival.

Windfarm in Southern Alberta. Maybe they like oil best, but they have the capacity to enter the energy sector at many points.
The Rocky Mountains at the Crow’s Nest Pass. No photos really do it justice, it is like a giant bowl made of gravel without a lot of plant life.
After cresting the highest point at Crow’s Nest, there is still lots of up and down and winding around. This lovely lake was the only place we stopped without getting gas or a pee break.
The view going into a mountain tunnel…
…and a view of the light at the end of a tunnel!
Moody skies over cold-looking lakes. Watch for rocks!
Pine beetle has left a lot of standing red forest, and forest fire has left a lot of blackened sticks, but there is still lots of nice green forest (so far)
Leftovers from a quick burn