I learned earlier this month that a family ‘year in review’ newsletter included with the Christmas card is called a ‘Round Robin’ and has been variously reviled as lame and redeemed as charming ways of connecting with relations and the past. However you see it, here comes ours!
This was another great year in Sweden. Here are some highlights…
We bought a house! Our new place is a modest 2-story house on the same street where we were renting. It is bright and south-facing with a nice deck and lots of room for guests! Let me know if you need our new address.

We welcomed lots of visitors! We made good use of the extra rooms in our new place with visits from Stefan, Hester and Leonie (Nederlands); Dave (Australia); Jordan and Lil Catherine (Canada); Nathan, Michelle, Jassie, and Linnea (Canada); Matt and Danielle (USA); Tom and Bernie (Canada); and finally Elizabeth (Canada) for an extended chef-residency. We have not yet compiled our Yelp ratings 😉 but hopefully the word-of-mouth reviews are strong enough that we get some visitors going forward. Let us know if you are in the nieghbourhood/continent.
We got on the water and in the forest! Once the water thawed (later than we might have liked), we were out paddling and even did some racing. Mostly this was in kayaks, but we also did some Canoeing with visitors. In the autumn we made the most of a record mushroom crop, and hopefully before the year is out we’ll get to XC ski in the forest too.
Catherine went to Canada! November was a family-visit to Victoria that included yoga, cooking & visiting, a visit to Abzhazi Teahouse, and a party with Aunts, Uncles and Cousins.
Graham went to Poland, UK, Denmark and Finland! They were work trips, but he still got to see some sights and eat some local foods.
Hope you all had a great year too, and we wish you a wonderful 2024!
Catherine & Graham