Levi Priset

Brag alert!

‘Levi priset’ is the Levi prize, and award named after Lennart Levi who was an early ergonomics researcher and educator in Sweden. The prize is given by the Swedish Engineers organization to those who have contributed to educating engineers about the work environment (i.e. Occupational Health and Safety).

This year the winner was me! I was nominated by friend and colleague Linda, and I was quite touched to be considered worthy of the award. Then to win, and then also there were flowers and a cheque… well, it has been quite a week.

The full press release is on the Swedish Engineers’ website (in Swedish). There was some nice follow-up press from the University as well, from our Faculty newsletter and also this Uni-level article in English. This means that colleagues have been coming up to me with congratulations all week, as have some students… and I must say that it is very meaningful when students come up and say they were rooting for me to get it and it was ‘well-deserved’. :’)

Prize bouquet

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