Now twice per week for accelerated learning!
We have started SFI, the Swedish for foreigners offered free by the local municipality. Graham and I are in different classes, but on the same evening. We get to practice listening, reading out loud, writing, grammar, and conversation. My class has all 20-ish Chinese University students, so in ‘Swedish conversation time’ I am learning a lot about South-East China. Rockover London, Rock on, Guangdong!
We now average 4 hours per week, so we should learn much faster. We are also still doing the bi-weekly study circle. Part of our study-circle homework this week is to email some Swedish prose to our Swedish teacher. I had the awesome idea of sending her a link to a blog post instead!
Here is my Swedish post about how we spent our Saturday. You can use Google translate to see what it says. I have done this and it mostly makes sense. 🙂
Igår, min man och jag hjalpa våras kompisar flyta. Våras kompisar flöt från Stockholm till Gävle 21 december, men de flöt till en lilla lagenhet I Gävle central. Igår de flöt (igen) till en storra lagenhet på S. Kungsgatan. Vi lyft och bära våras kompisars möbler och lådor fran deres förvaringsenhet och fran deras lilla lagenhet till deras storra nya lagenhet. Vi var klara halv när hissen bröt. Lyckligtvis fick vi redan på pianot!
Deras nya lagnhet är mycket bra, med 3 soverrumar och två badrumar, tvättstuga, en bra kök. Der finns flera skåpar, en balkong, och en lilla garden bredvid ytterdörr. Der finns också en fin utsikt från kyrktornet, och flera butiker och restaurang närheten. Vi sager att:  välkomna till Gävle och lyckn till!
Graham will publish his Swedish post tomorrow.
Hm, the translation does make sense somewhat but I think it wasn’t very good, was it? Not that I could do a better job.
The translation was a great illustration of the subtlety of language – move and flow being similar – and similar examples.
Good job for getting out there and making the effort. I know you don’t HAVE TO in much of Europe, but what an opportunity to have a more rich cultural experience for getting a taste of the language.
Fortunately you were already on the piano!