We had a great visit with Elizabeth over the last week. We spent some time in Gävle and also made a side trip to Uppsala. I thought we might do more side trips and sight seeing, but it was actually nice just to hang out close to home. I did a few half days of work while E was here; one days she came to work and had fika with my work buddies to meet them (she brought brownies that she made, how cute!) The next day she came and we went out to lunch at a greenhouse/plant shop/restaurant. There used to be cats and chickens at this place, but I guess the public health inspector has been by recently.

After lunch we went up to Hemlingby for a walk around. There was a massive thunderstorm, but somehow we did not get rained on. Awesome!

Gävle is not the most scenic or metropolitan town of all time, but it does have it’s own charm that wasn’t worn out with a few days of visiting. Some things like separated bike paths and pedestrianized shopping districts are pretty European and still a novelty for Canadian visitors. We had some other fun activities during the visit, more on that later!
So nice to see sisters together – your two infomercial/Price-is-Right poses are so great. Can’t wait to see more pics and hear about the visit.
* but seriously… pedestrianized????? ow.
Did I spell that wrong? The spell checker said that was how to do it …and urban planners/civil engineers use that word all the time!
Sometimes I think pedestrians are a novelty in America.
illegal pony feeder!
did anyone else notice that bridget’s name is ‘less bratty sister’ when that as a name is evidence to the contrary.
Pedestrians are NOT a novelty here, although cars get too much in the way of preferential treatment and planning in all areas that were established AFTER widespread use of cars. (Cities that were established pre-auto have wonderful walkable core areas.)
My comment related more to the truly AWFUL habit of turning nouns into ugly verbs with -ized (in American English) or -ised (in British and Canadian English). Ick, ick, ick. So, yes, your spell checker may say it’s fine, and I know people use these words, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it.
Harrumpppphhhhhhh. /rant