HK update

We arrived in Hong Kong with no delays or problems. The city (cities?) are vibrant and busy, with lots of traffic and people, but not unmanageably so. I was worried I would be overwhelmed by the crowds and business, but it is not so different than a busy day on the Vancouver skytrain. The food is AWESOME! So far we have had super cheap and ripe mangosteen and tangerines, bubble tea, egg tarts, mapo tofu, a great vegetarian lunch at the Buddhist monastery, and some nice cantonese food. We are leaving the chicken feet, durian, and snake for later. 😛 It is easy to get nice quality food for very cheap, so we are mostly eating out instead of cooking for ourselves.

We are in the first half of the monsoon season, and boy can we tel. We had a level 3 typhoon warning yesterday, and a big thunderstorm today. Our practice days on the water have been delayed, and we are all really hoping that our races will not be canceled. We raced in Montreal on during the slowed-down hurricane Katrina, but the Olympic basin is a lot more protected than the open Victoria Harbour is here, so they may cancel things if it looks unsafe. We have our fingers crossed. As Graham pointed out, “rock you like a typhoon” does not have the same ring to it.

We are safe and happy and enjoying the trip, with some added adventure from the weather.


  1. I’m glad you made it safely to HK and are enjoying the food!!! Good luck with the weather and the racing. I was stuck in China for a few days because of a typhoon in HK.

  2. wow.
    how is the ultra authentic bubble tea?
    i love when you give food deets in your travel emails. my fav!

    was the buddhist monestary food delish?

    i hope the weather behaves for you.

    love you.
    ps. rock you like a mangosteen sounds pretty good tho, eh graham? really ripe ones are so effin good! 🙂

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