Tulips and daffodilsPrimulaeThe view from our front door down into the garden through the cherry trees. Periwinkle
You will be the envy of all your Swedish friends. Lovely pics.
The Swedish crocuses are now out in full force! Boulognerskogen was replete with purples and yellows and whites yesterday – it is really looking most lovely and it certainly feels like spring in the air here in Gävle. Still … I’d say tulips are a long way off! Glad you are getting a good dose of flowers and ‘late spring’ (Swedish summer?) weather 🙂
You will be the envy of all your Swedish friends. Lovely pics.
The Swedish crocuses are now out in full force! Boulognerskogen was replete with purples and yellows and whites yesterday – it is really looking most lovely and it certainly feels like spring in the air here in Gävle. Still … I’d say tulips are a long way off! Glad you are getting a good dose of flowers and ‘late spring’ (Swedish summer?) weather 🙂