This week has been crazy cold in Saskatoon. Last night was -47 with windchill. Even the North pole was only -36 today. Needless to say, I find this unpleasant and bordering on uninhabitable. In Sweden they say “Det finns inte dÃ¥ligt väder bara dÃ¥liga kläder” (there is no bad weather, just bad gear). This is sort of true, and I am very grateful for my parka/McGrimace costume.

I am also in awe of the first people who lived in Saskatchewan, wearing only what they made themselves and living in skin tents. That is what I call tough. On the other hand, life expectancy was a little lower than today’s benchmark and age was counted in winters since that was the most hardest part of the year to complete. I am glad to be living in an apartment with great central heating (and a humidifier!), but it is still very hard not to pine for the west coast (also cedar and hemplock for the west coast, haha.)
Oh dear. Oh dear. When we were in South Dakota on the edge of a severe winter storm we encountered temps unlike any I remember seeing before. Definitely a first for Miss K – it redefined cold for us, and made us appreciate our Seattle “winters”. That said, she is in the sun now and isn’t missing the Seattle grey-Mordor blanket at all.
Now I understand why you thought -20 was warm enough to ski. I don’t think I could do it. How are the muscles?