The Sask Epidemiology Conference paper presented by one of my students last week won a second place poster prize!  This is a big deal since the conference has lots of Researchers, Public Health professionals, and other non-students who present their paid work instead of the their summer internship projects.  Like all research, this was a team effort, but first-author Muhammad did a great job of learning GIS mapping so that he could describe the discrepancy between where agricultural health and safety research is conducted, and where the world’s agricultural workforce resides.  As an example, the USA was the subject of 25% of the articles we found, but only 2% of the US workforce is involved in Agriculture.  On the other hand, countries like Ghana and Nigeria and Kenya have over 20% of their workforce involved in agriculture, and rarely more than 1 paper.  Muhammad also did a great job of advocating for solutions here: developed nations with lots of research capacity can use their resources to shed light on some of these under-studied  agricultural work forces.
I am a very proud and happy supervisor, and very glad to be part of such a great research team as this one! Â 🙂