Back on the trails

Authentic snotsicles!

With all the snow and the recent warmer temperatures, a ski weekend was in order. Saturday we went local and did ~15km into substantial wind. The snow is a bit dusty, not much glide, and the wind drifts the snow into the tracks, so it was not very fast and lots of derailments. Even the one downhill hairpin turn to go back uphill was slow enough for me to step turn without ever falling.

Graham took this picture while I was trying to catch up to him

I look forward to getting my waxing skills up to speed (haha) so I can move quickly even over this cold dusty snow.


  1. Looking good! I don’t know how you guys survive the cold though. I didn’t go out this past Wednbesday evening because it was supposed to be -10C in the city. Now we are back to the usual +6C.

  2. that is so awesome! i bet that works up a serious hungie-hole! it looks bright and crisp! you guys are so strong and brave! xo

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