
Tourietiest tourist that ever touristed
Taken by the tourietiest tourist that ever touristed

In June I went to Toronto for the 2016 PREMUS conference. I have been to this conference 3 times before, and this was (probably) the best one.  Although it didn’t have an exotic location (from my point of view), it was really well-organized and the science was top-notch.  Well done team!

Arc de CNE
Arc de CNE

I packed very light so I didn’t bring my regular camera. My smartphone is going on 5 years old and this seems to be geriatric for a smart phone, so I only took a few slow-loading snaps. The arc above is at the entrance of the CNE. The conference was at the Allsteam Centre, which prides itself on being a ‘green’ facility. They encourage folks to bring their own water bottles and there was no printed schedule for the conference – folks were asked to download the program. This was ok for some things, but for quick reference between sessions a tiny view with lots of swiping to the right page my old phone wasn’t quite cutting it.

Ever since I left the city...
Ever since I left the city…

After the conference I went to visit Leif and Christina and their two little ones for a couple of days. This was a super fun visit, including some crafts, great meals, picnic, walk, and a visit to the Kensginton/Queen street shopping districts. It will be great to see them all again in Courtney for Einarson homecoming 2016!