Countdowns are fun. When I was little my dad made me paper countdown calenders so I could cross off the days coming up to big events, like a trip or birthday. I really like the idea of an advent calender, although I stopped having chocolate ones quite a while ago.

In Sweden you can buy chocolate calanders, but ‘Adventskalender’ refers to a serial program on TV and radio that runs for 24 days. They are musical and christmas-themed and each episode ends on a cliffhanger. It sounds like something that Keifer Sutherland would be involved with, but it is designed for kids. You can hear the radio version on Sverige Radio, click the ‘Julkalendern’ button.  As far as I can tell, this year its about a girl named Nelly who has adventures with trolls and sings a lot. I think you can also see the TV version on their website. Or check out this fat-free daily special: .